Dinner for Two

Moving from a house of  6 people [5 women and 1 man], to a house of 8, [I lived with my husbands family for a little bit and they were all boys except for 3 of us] to a house of TWO [my husband and I], has been extremely difficult. All my measurements that I had glued into my head are stuck! 5 cups of rice, for 8 people… a whole bag of pasta for 8 people… trust me the list goes on. I remember one of our first couple of meals together as husband and wife, I had left overs for 2 weeks. I literally cooked for ten people! I made a Mexican meal one night and had one of my mom’s best dishes, Spanish rice, and I cooked 5 cups of rice forgetting that rice BLOWS UP. So I brought some up to my mother in law to serve for dinner a night that she cooked Mexican food. She laughed so hard, but knew exactly what I was going through. So, tonight I had no idea what to make my husband for dinner. And I thought to myself, this calls for a blog post to help out all my other married friends and family. There’s a similar recipe for soup, but I I prefer pasta! The soup recipe is called  “Everything but the kitchen sink Soup” and mine…”Everything but the kitchen sink Pasta” Any left overs or veggies create this beautiful masterpiece of a pasta dish. Top with a little mozza, and VOILA!

So here it is: Everything but the kitchen sink Pasta
